Starting At USD $3,146.00
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Multimodal transport planning software

  • Model people, places and choices involved in travel
  • Forecast transport system performance
  • Inform real-world planning decisions

About this software subscription: This Virtuoso Subscription includes a 12-month practitioner license of this software, that comes with Keys (credits) to unlock training and services.

A transportation forecasting system for planning urban, regional and national mobility

EMME is multimodal transport planning software that helps cities, planning agencies, infrastructure owners, and mobility providers to answer essential “What if?” questions about transportation networks and how they are used. EMME integrates advanced network and demand modeling capabilities, making it an ideal platform for the strategic planning of public transit, private traffic, and other modes of travel considering changes in infrastructure, land use, mobility policy, and pricing. By modeling the people, places, and choices involved in travel, EMME helps planners forecast transport system performance including measures such as accessibility, revenue, sustainability, and equity by evaluating any number of virtual scenarios to better inform real-world planning decisions.

Understand existing and future transport networks and how people use them

EMME powers transport models with algorithms and procedures designed to work rigorously and on large applications. The EMME toolbox provides over one hundred reusable components to help create and maintain accurate virtual representations of your transportation networks. Model and analyze details of multimodal travel including congestion, tolls, services and fares. Leverage flexible workflow options for virtually any transport planning application and preference, from UI to Python API, to code-free automation.

Assemble travel demand models (including ABM)

Assemble, calibrate and apply virtually any travel demand model structure with out-of-the-box support for activity-based (ABM), tour-based, hybrid, or 4-step trip-based models, or mix elements of each as needed. Work with tours, trips, households and persons as well as zones and O-Ds using a clear and intuitive interface that everyone on the team can use. Model packages make it easy to maintain different models in parallel, and to upgrade over time without the high costs of re-coding or changing platform. Achieve more meaningful model results, leverage available data sets, and keep models updated with automated calibration. Includes everything needed for modern travel demand modeling, from population synthesis to agent-based choice modeling.

Some features require AGENT Add-on

Make informed planning decisions and secure stakeholder buy-in

EMME includes modern visualizations, code-friendly APIs and code-free workflows that make the full transport modeling lifecycle productive and efficient. Map, edit and compare planning scenarios with configurable maps, charts and reports. Automate anything, from data access to models to reporting, and extend and integrate with comprehensive Python APIs. Or assemble and run transport models without writing a line of code. See your travel models with 3D, interactive Scenes for simulation playback and time-based analysis.


Visualize and analyze planning scenarios

Make informed planning decisions with maps, charts and reports that are always up to date. At-a-glance scenario comparisons and network differences help to make data clear and actionable. Work confidently with interactive network editing, multimodal undo/redo and network build logs to keep scenarios in-sync.

  • Interactive network editing of topology and attributes
  • Extensible maps, charts and reports for visualization, analysis and reporting
  • Explore, edit and customize with relational and multimodal expressions
  • Add real-world context with out-of-the-box web basemaps or connect to on-premise or own-hosted raster tile maps

Unify mobility data

Ensure consistent, accurate and scenario-based organization of transport modeling data. Unlike solutions which focus only on networks, EMME helps you manage all the mobility data you need for modern transport modeling including multimodal network scenarios and travel demand scenarios with out-of-the-box support for trip-based, tour-based, activity-based or hybrid travel models.

  • Relational structure and expressions for multimodal network data
  • Relational structure and expressions for travel demand data (with AGENT Add-on)
  • Data management procedures, access and interoperability

Work efficiently with your model

Efficiently create and maintain transport models however you prefer to work. Do you prefer code-free workflows that let anyone on the team configure and automate model procedures using visual interfaces? Flow is a code-free automation system for easily assembling and running model workflows with iterations, branching and other control flow but no code. Or does your agency treat “model-as-code” so that you need code-friendly industry-standard Python scripting across the entire modeling lifecycle? Comprehensive APIs for scripting, automation and extension let you work entirely in code.

  • Comprehensive Python APIs
  • Notebook is an interactive computing environment in which you can combine Python code execution, rich text, plots and media with transport model procedures
  • Modeller is an extensible application framework and UI for travel demand modeling and transport planning applications
  • Flow is a code-free automation system to assemble and run transport models without writing a line of code

Model traffic and private transport modes

Uniquely extensible, fast and flexible procedures for traffic modeling applications including tolling, junction delay and active modes. Features include:

  • Multithreaded, fast-converging traffic assignment with proportionality (SOLA)
  • Fast-converging traffic assignment with warm-start and path storage (Path-based)
  • Explicit support for ramp-to-ramp, distance-capped or -floored tolls (PToll)
  • Flexible generalized cost specification (stratified, distance-based, flagfall tolls)
  • Junction capacity assignment considers adjusted capacities due to green times, conflicting movements and shared lane(s)
  • Signal generation produces control plan information including cycle lengths, phases and green times at signalized intersections and movements
  • User-defined volume-delay and turn-penalty functions (BPR, conical, akcelik, opposing movements, delay from transit)
  • Multiclass modelling for network class restrictions, VOT bin and vehicle- or passenger-mix
  • Network perception by vehicle class (carpool/HOV lanes, toll roads, bicycle traffic, high/low emissions vehicles (HEV/LEV))
  • Background traffic contribution of transit vehicles, parked cars, etc.
  • Traversal and subarea procedures
  • Flexible, multithreaded shortest path engine for node-to-node accessibilities and paths
  • Quasi-dynamic traffic assignment with time-dependent network loading and flow progression (STTA)

Integrates with GIS, spatial and relational data

EMME includes relational and spatial database features to work conveniently with and interface to GIS data without leaving the software, including support for the following:

  • Summarize data
  • Join
  • Spatial join
  • Buffer
  • Project between coordinate systems
  • Map GIS Vector data including from shapefiles, PostGIS, Esri file geodatabase, MapInfo and GeoJSON
  • Store tabular or spatial data

Accurate modeling of public transport system

Uniquely extensible, fast and flexible procedures for public transit modeling applications including crowded transit assignment, fare integrations and mixed-mode interactions. Features include:

  • Multithreaded and multiclass strategy/hyperpath transit assignments
  • Multimodal network representation (buses travel on congested links, transit vehicles create background traffic)
  • Unlimited treatment of walk, transfer and transit options
  • Explicit support for crowded transit assignment and analysis including
  • Flexible specification of user cost and perception across trip components to model a wide variety of transit service and facility
  • User-defined transit delay functions (bus delays from road traffic, reliability)
  • Must-use or forced-mode assignment
  • Support for mixed-mode transit journeys where private transport modes may be used alongside public transit services as first-, last- or intermediate-trip legs
  • Comprehensive, multithreaded analysis capabilities flexible for a variety of applications including:
    • Select-line(s), select-boarding, select-alighting, select-zone analysis
    • Initial, total or transfer boardings, final / total transfer alightings, through passengers, access/egress transfers, transit ridership
    • Actual vs perceived impedance, travel time, waiting time
    • Traversal analysis, station-to-station analysis and path analysis for detailed ridership studies
    • Traversal and subarea procedures
    • Schedule-based transit assignment for transit service planning applications
    • Crowded schedule-based transit assignment suitable for high-frequency urban model applications

Enables virtually any travel demand model

Assemble, calibrate and apply virtually any travel demand model structure with support for trip-based, tour-based and activity-based (ABM) models and all points between. Re-platform an existing travel demand model onto a supported platform with a clear user-interface that anyone on the team can use, then upgrade over time with advanced features without the high costs of re-coding. Features include:

  • Standard toolbox
    • Zonal-aggregate travel demand models
    • Efficient two- and three-leg trip chaining and park-and-ride
    • 2D and 3D Matrix balancing procedures
    • Multiclass traffic demand adjustment procedures (ODME) incorporating link, turn and screenline counts, trip ends and matrix structure
    • Multiclass transit and crowded transit demand adjustment procedures (ODME) incorporating walk, station, line, segment and screenline counts, trip ends and matrix structure
    • Matrix calculator
    • Matrix API
  • AGENT (Requires AGENT Add-on)
    • A complete UI for modular demand model assembly and management with support for virtually any model structure including; Trip-based/4-step, Tour-based, Activity-based (ABM), Hybrid
      • Relational travel schema and expressions with auto-complete
      • Population synthesizer
      • Flexible choice models including choice of decision-maker, choice set, statistical model and utility expressions
      • Automated calibration allows leveraging multiple data sources
      • Travel demand simulation and scenario management

Stunning 3D, animated and interactive scenes

Scenes is a 3D, interactive and animated mapping framework that lets you view, explore, analyze and even produce video animations from the data in your EMME Project.

  • Create network data visualizations including 3D bandwidths and extrusions, animated traffic flows with animations from one or more time periods
  • Animate demand and accessibility to understand regional travel patterns and accessibility
  • Visualize urban mobility from ABMs with population movements and trip tracing
  • View simulation playback of transit vehicle movements and station activities from a Schedule-based transit assignment
  • Color, select, identify, inspect, filter or dive into any of the data in your scene
  • Create camera keyframe animations and record interactive or presentation-quality videos
  • Import 3D OSM Buildings and web basemaps for added context
Operating System

64-bit Microsoft Windows 11, 10, Server 2022, Server 2019, or Server 2016 Operating Systems.

Minimum disk space

3GB for installation files


Minimum 16GB RAM recommended


Use of EMME Scenes features require OpenGL 4.0 support


Recent versions of Chrome or Firefox are recommended. Up to date versions of Opera and Edge may also work.[GS1] [GS2] 


Reference Systems

EMME offers high-performance scientific, graphics and interactive computing capabilities. Certain EMME features benefit from high-performance computing (CPUs) and dedicated graphics processors (GPUs). Requirements vary by application. Reference systems below provide illustrative guidelines:

Base system example

  • Intel Core i5 or i7 CPU, 2.3 GHz or greater base clock

  • 6 cores / 12 threads or more

  • 16 GB RAM or more

  • NVIDIA RTX 3050, AMD Radeon, Intel Xe or Intel integrated graphics (non-graphic workloads)

Intermediate systems

  • Intel Core i7 or i9 CPU, 3 GHz or greater base clock

  • 8 cores / 16 threads or more

  • 32GB of RAM or more

  • NVIDIA RTX 3060, AMD Radeon RX 6600XT, Intel Arc A770 or integrated graphics (non-graphic workloads)

Advanced systems

  • Intel Xeon CPU, 3GHz or greater base clock

  • 12 cores / 24 threads or more

  • 128GB RAM or more

  • NVIDIA RTX  3070, NVIDIA Quadro RTX, AMD Radeon Pro W6000, or integrated graphics (non-graphic workloads)


Stay nimble and lower costs

We have bundled a 12-month license for trusted Bentley software with customizable training from experts and call it our Virtuoso Subscription. With lower upfront costs and flexible support options, businesses of all sizes can now compete with the industry's heavy hitters.


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